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The Winds of Change
Chapter drafts continued and subject to change. 3. The Chimes It’s dark. The Old Meeting House bell is chiming – one…two…three…four…five…six… Time to get up. Stoney pulls back the covers, plants his bare feet on the chilly pine floor, steadies himself, takes three cautious steps toward the bathroom door thinking, Did I hear the chimes at two and three? Slides the glass door shut. Raindrops splatter on the back deck. Faint moonlight illuminates the tenuous snow cover on the lake. Louise rolls over and pulls up the covers. Awake, expectant but still a little groggy, Mookie waits patiently curled up…
The Winds of Change
UVRC Runners, This offering is a sampling from a fictional novel I am in the process of writing entitled, The Winds of Change. It’s a story about running for runners. Below, I have included the drafts of the Prologue and the first two chapters entitled, 1. El Amuleto and 2. A Sacred Place. In the story, runners from the Upper Valley and Puerto Rico converge to run the Vermont 100 Ultramarathon in 2025. It’s a tale about, endurance, resilience and persistence, but also about temptation, greed and loss. I am happy to share more chapters during the next five months…
Reading while Running: Book Recommendations
There is no competition. The greatest running book of all time is “Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes and the Greatest Race the World has Never Seen” by Christopher McDougall. Isolated by Mexico’s deadly Copper Canyons, the blissful Tarahumara Indians have honed the ability to run hundreds of miles without rest or injury. In a riveting narrative, award-winning journalist and often-injured runner Christopher McDougall sets out to discover their secrets. In the process, he takes his readers from science labs at Harvard to the sun-baked valleys and freezing peaks across North America, where ever-growing numbers of ultra-runners are pushing…