Hello, Upper Valley Running Club! I am writing to share my experience guiding a vision impaired runner during the Krampuslauf 10k at the Dartmouth Skiway last month.
As a new club member, I should probably start by introducing myself. My name is Angela Wyse and I am a new Economics professor at Dartmouth, having just moved to Hanover from Chicago in August. I began running in 2017 and have since fallen in love with trail running and ultras, finding my home in long distances and remote places and even completing a 100-mile trail race in Michigan in 2023. Since moving to New Hampshire, however, I’ve struggled to connect with the local running scene due to a hectic travel schedule and my aversion to evening workouts (sorry UVRC, but speed intervals require my heavily caffeinated morning self!).
So when I saw that a vision impaired runner was seeking a guide for the Krampuslauf, with no experience needed, I jumped at the chance to dive into the Upper Valley running community in a new way. I had actually met this runner, Kyle, a month earlier while volunteering at the Vermont 50. After we connected for the Krampuslauf, he walked me through my main tasks as a guide: running ahead and describing the terrain and surrounding objects. Kyle’s reassurance helped calm my nerves about guiding, especially when he said that falls were normal even with experienced guides.
I felt especially tense for the race’s first hour as I described every gradient with excessive detail. Fortunately, most of the race was smooth sailing, with long, steady climbs and descents under a half-foot of snow. There were a few wooded sections, however, with a maze of roots and rocks that proved to be especially challenging. During those segments I learned that the key was to just slow down and try to be as precise and accurate as I could with my descriptions.
I made my share of rookie mistakes – leading us off course briefly, stopping without warning, and using vague terms like “here” instead of “on my left.” Thankfully, the deep snow made our occasional tumbles more amusing than painful. Between the climbs, Kyle shared stories about his races and training and shared techniques for navigating snowy descents. By the time we crossed the finish line, we were both covered in snow and thoroughly worn out, happy to be headed for the warmth of the lodge.
Despite my initial nervousness, guiding turned out to a rewarding experience. It challenged me to be more mindful instead of tuning out as I usually do while running, and it offered a unique window into another runner’s perspective on the sport. The experience also reinforced what I love most about trail running: despite being an individual sport on paper, it often turns into a team sport in practice. I am looking forward to more adventures, local races, and maybe even working myself up to join more of those evening track workouts.