June Board Minutes

Directors present: Tim Smith, Geoff Dunbar, Rob Edson, Jim Burnett, Julie Paye, Kim Sheffield, Paul Coats, Betsy Gonnerman

Absent: Mike Silverman

1. Couch to 5K Program: Program is now into its second week, and all is going well. Participants seem to be eager and dedicated. The director of the Canaan race will be asked if these participants can receive a discount. Geoff will talk to him. Also, it was decided that a special shirt would be designed for them, paid for by the Club. Julie P. will design it.

2. Newsletter/Website: 2 members, Rebecca Wipfler and Susanna Colby, have volunteered to do the newsletter. Rebecca and Tim will meet soon to discuss what is involved. Dave Sullivan will continue to work on the website.

3. CBHM: All were pleased with the race this year. Kim S. and Julie P. volunteered at the start, to learn what was involved, as they will be taking over managing that area, starting next year. Paul will be taking over managing the finish area.

4. Foliage Five: Race is scheduled for Oct. 3rd. Paul reported that enough volunteers had stepped forward to help him.

5. Lebanon Rec Van: Paul reported that the van was recently repaired, with a new fuel pump being installed, and the door being fixed. It is now available for use. A couple of directors will be trained in the use of it, so there will be more drivers available. It will be used for the Ribfest this weekend.

6. Course certification: Dave Aman had received a request for certification of a course in Meredith, NH, but there was discussion as to maybe that was too far away.

7. Treasury: Paul reported that there is $7600 in the treasury, and that over the 5 years since inception of the club, approximately $1000-$1500 was the net revenue annually. Discussion ensued as to uses for this money: catered banquet, apparel for new members, t-shirts for the Couch to 5K
program, scholarships. It was decided that the subject of scholarships be further pursued.

8. Recycling of Running shoes: Paul proposed that UVRC take on the project of recycling shoes. He and Julie P. will research groups that do this, and see what is involved.

Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, July 22 – 7:30 – Ramunto’s
Minutes submitted by Betsy Gonnerman, Secretary

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UVRC, c/o Lebanon Recreation & Parks

51 North Park St

Lebanon NH 03766