Board Minutes July 2015

Directors present:  Tim Smith, Geoff Dunbar, Rob Edson, Julie Paye, Kim Sheffield, Betsy Gonnerman

Directors absent:  Mike Silverman, Jim Burnett, Paul Coats

Non-Directors present:  Mike Gonnerman

  1. Couch to 5K Program: Program is going well, with approximately 20-25 regular attendees.  Expect approx. 20 for the race.  Question arose as to what will happen after the race – i.e. will the program continue? This will depend on interest and demand.  It is hoped that the participants will join the Tuesday and Saturday runs that already exist.
  2. Newsletter: Susannah Colby is now handling the newsletter. She will always be seeking articles of interest.  Tim will talk to Lori Bliss Hill re continuing the interview segment that she did previously, and let Susannah know. It was hoped that Jim Burnett could write an article re our participation in the NHGP, and encourage everyone to consider doing the final race – the Moose Mountain Milers Half Marathon in North Conway in October.  With a good showing there, UVRC has a good chance of winning the NHGP.
  3. Recycling used running shoes: Julie knows of a company which recycles used shoes. She will find out from them what “used” means.
  4. Domain: When the running club was started 5 years ago, the domain name was registered in Geoff’s name, and he paid the fee. Now that it is up for renewal, it was agreed that the club needs to own the domain name, and pay the fee.
  5. CBHM pacers: There was much positive feedback on the use of pacers this year.
  6. Mission of club/use of monies: Discussion continued from the previous meeting as to clarifying the mission of the club and how the monies should be spent. Some ideas were tossed around, but it was felt that this discussion should continue when all Board members are present. It was decided that another survey should also go out, to get a better sense of the wishes/needs of all members of the club.  Tim and Geoff will be working on this survey.

Next Board Meeting:  Tuesday, August 18 – 7:00 – Ramunto’s

Minutes submitted by Betsy Gonnerman, Secretary

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51 North Park St

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