5/26/2015 Board Meeting Notes
Directors present: Tim Smith, Geoff Dunbar, Rob Edson, Jim Burnett, Julie Paye, Mike Silverman, Betsy Gonnerman, Kim Sheffield
Absent: Paul Coats
Observers present: Mike Gonnerman
- CBHM: Mike Silverman announced that the person who organized the start of the CBHM is looking for a replacement, and was hoping this was something UVRC would be willing to take on. It is a paid job, and the money would go to the club, to be used by the club or donated to a charity. Kim Sheffield and Julie Paye said they would be willing to take this on, and will be shadowing the people doing it at this year’s race on June 7. Mike S. continues to seek volunteers to help out on race day. Pacers have been designated, and are ready to go.
- Couch to 5K Program: There was an unexpectedly large turnout at the kickoff meeting last week, and we have 37 entrants so far. Since they are all new UVRC members, an introductory email will go out from the club to this group of participants, which will explain the abundance of emails that may be coming to them. In addition, each week, Paul and Kim will send out emails to those participants with their workouts for the week.
- Newsletter: Since Ben Pangie has moved and is no longer available to do the newsletter, there is need for a new editor. It was decided that members of the club would be solicited, to see if there is someone who is interested.
- Shaker 7 Race Director: Kati Lary Jopek, Rec Director for Canaan, has agreed to take this on.
- Sunday Runs: Due to the low turnout for these runs, it was agreed that these should be set up via meet-up by those who are interested.
- Foliage Five Race: Paul has asked whether the Club could assist in managing this race. Tim Smith said he would be willing to help in this regard. He will shadow Paul at this year’s race.
- Paul had sent information re present balance in UVRC treasury: $8205. It was suggested that we get a better understanding of the net income annually, so that we could have a plan/goal for spending the money. Paul will need to address this at the next meeting.
- MWRR: Mike G. announced that he will send out an update email next week.
- June/July Board meetings: Since the present time of 7:00 would conflict with the Couch to 5K workouts, which begin at 6:30, it was decided to move the Board meetings to 7:30
Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, June 16 – 7:30 – Ramunto’s
Minutes submitted by Betsy Gonnerman, Secretary