Board Minutes – September, 2015
Directors present: Tim Smith, Geoff Dunbar, Julie Paye, Kim Sheffield, Betsy Gonnerman, Jim Burnett, Mike Silverman
Directors absent: Rob Edson, Paul Coats
Non-Directors present: Mike Gonnerman
- Foliage Five Race: Posters have been hung in several towns. Mike Silverman will get posters hung on the Dartmouth campus. Joe Jones is in charge of volunteers. Bill Young is working on the awards. Julie Paye is working on the t-shirts. Kim will contact Phoebe about DERT members running. Julie will send out an email to members, to encourage more involvement, both running and volunteering, including the Couch to 5k runners. Mike S. suggested that we have more refreshments, and he will take care of that.
- CHaD race: The club received an email requesting help with providing pacers, which the Board felt we could do. It was suggested that Mike Kokko and Rebecca McCown, with help from Dave Sullivan, head this up, as they did for the CBHM. CHaD also wanted us to put up our tent on race day, which will be done. They also requested UVRC presence at the Expo the day before. Tim will send out an email to the club re this request, and see if there are any members who would be willing to do this for all or part of the day.
- Shoe recycling: Jim has offered to help Paul with this venture.
- Upper Valley Running Series: Everyone agreed that this series should continue, but should it be limited to only members? We will wait for the survey answers before deciding this. Geoff needs assistance with the Series as well.
- Geoff recommended that the Tuesday pub nights after TNT be restarted.
- Survey: We reviewed Tim’s initial draft of the questions, but they need tweaking. It was suggested that 2 or 3 members work on them at a separate meeting, to come up with the final draft.
- Coaching fees: This subject came up at the last meeting, as a possible expense for the club. Kim made a few phone calls, and found out that most clubs do pay some sort of stipend to their coaches.
Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, October 20 – 7:00 – Ramunto’s