Board Minutes – August, 2015

Directors present: Tim Smith, Geoff Dunbar, Rob Edson, Julie Paye, Kim Sheffield, Betsy Gonnerman, Jim Burnett, Mike Silverman

Non-Directors present: Mike Gonnerman

  1. Couch to 5K Program: The consensus was that the program was a success, and that we should do another one next spring, with some modifications. Many of the participants have been running with the group on Tuesday and Saturday, and are planning their next race.
  2. Website/newsletter: Susannah Colby is doing the newsletter and Dave Sullivan is taking care of the website.
  3. Foliage Five Race: Date is Oct. 3. Paul reported that plans are well underway, volunteers have been recruited, permits have been done. The Board felt, since this is the only race put on by the club, that all members should be encouraged to participate in some way – either running or helping. Julie will work on an article for the newsletter about this.
  4. Shoe Recycling: No progress on this matter.
  5. Runners Night at Fenway: Paul has been contacted about this event on Sept. 24. A minimum of 20 people is required in order to get the discounted tickets. If there is enough interest, it is possible that the Leb Rec van could be used. Paul will write up an article for the newsletter re this event.
  6. Mission of club/use of monies: The survey has not yet gone out – Tim will work on that. Suggestions for use of the money have been: coaching, transportation, scholarships, apparel.
    It was decided that a smaller group should tackle this issue, once there was a better understanding of what each option might cost, and what the actual yearly revenue is. Paul and Rob agreed to take the next step.

Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, Sept. 15 – 6:45 – Ramunto’s

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