Board Minutes – October, 2015

Directors present: Tim Smith, Geoff Dunbar, Julie Paye, Betsy Gonnerman, Jim Burnett, Mike Silverman

Directors absent: Rob Edson, Paul Coats, Kim Sheffield

Non-Directors present: Mike Gonnerman

  1. Treasurer’s Report: Paul had given information to Tim to report: balance of $6,742, with another $500 expected revenue from the Foliage Five Race. There will be about $500 of expenses for the prizes for the UVRS.
  2. Foliage Five Race: Course was reduced to a 5k, due to unexpected construction on the course. Approximately 97 people raced. It was concluded that the date, which conflicted with other events, reduced the potential number of racers. The plan is to change the date next year, to avoid these conflicts. Everyone was pleased that the race continues to grow each year. There were many volunteers, and the food was a big hit.
  3. CHaD: UVRC provided the pacers. The booth at the expo on Saturday was manned for 3-4 hours, but was poorly attended – this may have been due to the location of booth.
  4. Cioffredi: They are having an open house on Oct. 31, and asked UVRC if we wanted to have a booth. The Board decided that it was not worth it.
  5. Newsletter: Susannah has indicated that she will need to give up this responsibility. Tim will confirm this with her, before sending a request to the club for volunteers to take on this job.
  6. Shoe Recycling: Melissa Barber, Paul Coats, and Jim Burnett are taking on this endeavor. They have chosen a company, and are getting more details from them. It will then be decided where collection sites would be (e.g., races, stores, etc.)
  7. Winter Coaches: It was decided that Jim Burnett, Tim Smith, and Nancy Dunbar would share the responsibility for TNT throughout the winter. They hope to put together the workouts for the whole period, utilizing the Occom Pond route and Tuck Drive.
  8. UVRS: Geoff reported that Dave Sullivan will be taking this over, with help from Geoff.
  9. Survey: Approximately 50-60 members responded. Tim will write an article for the November newsletter, summarizing the results.
  10. Saturday morning runs: Geoff announced that he will re-institute pace captains for these runs in the Spring, as that seemed to be well-received in the past.
  11. Membership fees: There was discussion as to whether they should be raised, but no action taken.
  12. Coaches: There was discussion as to whether we should hire a professional coach, but no decision has been made.

Minutes submitted by Betsy Gonnerman, Secretary

Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, November 17 – 7:00 – Ramunto’s

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51 North Park St

Lebanon NH 03766