Board Meeting Minutes – April 21, 2015


Directors present: Tim Smith, Geoff Dunbar, Rob Edson, Jim Burnett, Paul Coats, Julie Paye, Mike Silverman, Betsy Gonnerman

Absent:  Kim Sheffield

Observers present:  Mike Gonnerman, Bill Young, Susannah Colby, Sandra Rhodes


  1. Committees: Tim plans to update the committee information, members, and contact persons on the website
  2. Sponsorship: CBHM is now an official sponsor of UVRC – a contract has been signed. Mike Silverman has also donated a new tent to UVRC.
  3. TNT – Tuesday night track will return to the Dartmouth track on May 19, and Kim will be back to coach then. Before that, plan will be to use the HHS track, with rotation of coaches.
  4. Couch to 5K program: Paul has made the posters, which are now ready for distribution. A kickoff meeting is set for Tuesday, May 19, at 7:30, after TNT, at Cioffredi’s on Etna Rd.  He hopes to have a coaches’ meeting prior to this date.  The program will start on June 6, with the Canaan race on August 2.
  5. Website/newsletter: The website needs to be updated, as much of the information is old or missing.  It is hoped that Dave Sullivan can do this, but there is a need for additional members who may have the expertise to do this.  Also, with Ben Pangie moving out of the area, there is a need for a newsletter editor.  Members are asked to encourage/solicit articles from members, to submit to the new editor.
  6. Shaker 7 Race: Lori Bliss Hill has heard that they are in need of a new race director.  Several names were suggested, and will be contacted.
  7. Sunday morning runs: Rebecca reports that she will not be able to lead these runs in the near future.  The discussion ensued as to whether they should continue, due to the small turnout.  It may make sense to not have regular Sunday runs, with the option for anyone to gather a group together where they want.  TNT and Sat. mornings will remain the 2 regular weekly runs for UVRC.


Please Note:  Due to the conflict with the Couch to 5K Kickoff meeting on May 19, the next Board meeting will be Tuesday, May 26, at 7, at Ramunto’s.

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51 North Park St

Lebanon NH 03766