Name: Kristina Siladi
Name of the Race/Running Event: Ugly Sweater 5k
Event Location: Cape Henlopen State Park, Delaware
Race/Event Distance: 5k
Race/Event Date: 12/21/24
Describe the Race
The event was a fun, low-key race put on by the Seashore Striders to benefit Redemption City, an organization that provides job training to people experiencing homelessness. When Sean and I visit my parents in Delaware, we like to jump into the local races if the timing works out. We got into town the night before this one, and woke up to crazy, cold, blustery winds. My parents, who are not runners, but avid supporters of the state park and of their childrens’ running habits, had already signed up and were not about to let a little (read: a LOT) of wind dampen their holiday spirit. We donned our festive garb and headed to the race! Thankfully, the course meandered through the park and the trees provided some respite from the wind. There were some nice, gusty headwinds as we turned the corner with about a quarter-mile to go to welcome us to the finish line.
How did you prepare for the race/event?
Well, I didn’t! I DNFed the Vermont50 back in September, a week after turning 40. That race was supposed to be my triumphant return to 50 milers after a long hiatus, and a way to embrace a new decade. Due to circumstances in and out of my control, that did not happen, and it left me feeling drained. I have not run much, nor have I attended a TNT workout, since then. I’ve been addressing some SI joint issues, swimming, lifting, and jogging occasionally. When this race popped up, I wasn’t sure if trying to run faster than a jog was the smartest idea, but decided to jump in and see what happened. My legs were crazy-tight, but with an extended dynamic stretching routine to warm up, I ran a little faster than I expected, given my utter lack of preparation.
Any notable moments?
After I changed into my warm jacket and huddled behind the wind-blocking tarp on the side of the pavilion at the finish line, I scanned the posted results. To my surprise, “1st F Masters” was listed next to my name! While it wasn’t the foray into Masters running that I was hoping for, it sure was fun to pose with Santa and Mrs. Claus when they handed me that award.
In another exciting turn of events, my mom, who also recently entered a new age group, power-walked her way to a 3rd place finish in the 70+F category. It pays to show up and keep moving!
Sean took home the M5059 award, but that surprised no one.
What do you wish you had known about this race/event before starting?
Nothing – it was full of fun surprises! My award was a hand-cut and painted wooden ugly sweater ornament, the post-race food consisted of bagels from Surf Bagel, a delicious local bagel shop, and the running club even had toasters for said bagels running off their generator at the finish! Classy move, Seashore Striders. Classy move.