Communication Policy
The UVRC has a general mailing list for addressing the whole membership. This list is private, so I won’t publish the address here, but you should get a mail once a month indicating your subscription. Please contact if you wish to be added or removed from the list (however, a paid membership is required to be added), or if your email address has changed. The general mailing list is suitable for:
- Announcements from the UVRC board to the membership.
- Members seeking running buddies/carpools or other UVRC assistance.
- Members announcing UVRC events open to the whole membership such as group runs, parties, etc.
- For race announcements, please find a member champion (a current member who is willing to help out) to email out to the membership about your race.
The UVRC has a website at This website is run by volunteers and is kept up to date with the latest information on the club; at any time, you should be able to go to the website for the latest status of any UVRC events, policies, etc. If you do spot something that is out of date, missing, or otherwise incorrect, do not hesitate to contact to ask for clarification or suggest a correction.
The UVRC has a Facebook page at UVRC Facebook. Anything related to the UVRC or running in general is welcome here; this is the place to go if you just want to chat about something vaguely running related. In general, the page is informational and not actively managed by the Board. The information provided on the page should point members and interested community members to our website to learn more about the club.
Join the Upper Valley Running Club Strava.....Club. It's easier to find on the app but can also be found on the web:
Other Social Media
The UVRC now has an Instagram! Please follow us at: and @ us using @uppervalleyrunningclub or #uppervalleyrunningclub. We also invite our members to participate on twitter using the #UVRC though we do not currently maintain a twitter account. As with all social media accounts we ask that you keep the content running and running community related and safe for the whole family!