Upper Valley Running Series

The Upper Valley Running Series (UVRS) is a series of existing road races in the Upper Valley. The goal is to encourage participation and competition in Upper Valley road races, with recognition for finishing and performance. Participation in the series road races, and membership in the club (UVRC), qualifies a runner in the series. Registration is available for the whole series, or simply through individual race registration.

How It Works

You must be a UVRC member to earn points in the series and be a series finisher.
Only races for which you are a UVRC member will be included in your scoring.
Runners may register for the entire series of races or may register for races à la carte.
A 25% discount is provided to members who register for the full series.
Runners who are UVRC members at the time of the race do not need to register separately for the UVRS series; simply participating in the road races through the standard registration process qualifies a runner in the series.
It is helpful if you sign up with the same name each time you race. You can use your full name or a nickname, but consistency helps!
Runners have the option of competing in either the Short or Long series (Short/Long refers to race distance).
In the case where a race has 2 distances (often 5K/10K), the shorter distance (say 5K) scores for the Short series, and the longer distance (10K) scores for the Long series.
If there is only one distance, the race scores points for both the Short and Long series.
Each series has male and female divisions divided by age as follows: 0-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69 and 70+.
Age group will be determined by your age on the day of your first race in the series.
Points will be awarded as follows:
  • 1st 100
  • 2nd 90
  • 3rd 82
  • 4th 75
  • 5th 69
  • 6th 63
  • 7th 58
  • 8th 53
  • 9th 49
  • 10th 45
  • 11th 41
  • 12th 37
  • 13th 34
  • 14th 31
  • 15th 28
  • All other finishers 25
If you do not finish or participate in an event, you will receive 0 points for that event.
Best 6 out of 11 races will count towards the season championships.
No minimum number of races to be eligible for series age group division awards.
In races that report net (start & end chip mat) timing, the net time will be considered as the runner’s official finish time with regard to awarding points.
To be a series finisher, you must complete 6 of the races in the series.
If a given race has 2 distances (say 5K/10K), both distances are eligible for series finisher.

Ties in point standings will be settled by:

  1. Head to Head competition (order of most recent race that both/all competed).
  2. Highest placing athlete at final event.
  3. Athlete who participated in highest number of events.
Prizes are awarded for Series Finisher status, 6 out of 11 races run (any distance).
Past prizes have included a jacket, a gear bag, etc.
Finishers will receive a guaranteed bypass into the Covered Bridges Half Marathon. Payment and registration for the race are still required.

2025 Upper Valley Running Series


You can register for the whole series at once:

Short Series Registration

Long Series Registration

2025 Races

08 Feb

RedZone 5K

February 8, 2025    
All Day
15 Mar

Shamrock Shuffle 5K

March 15, 2025    
All Day
06 Apr

Icebreaker 5M

April 6, 2025    
All Day
18 May

BarnArts 5K/10K

May 18, 2025    
All Day
15 Jun

Skip's Run 4M

June 15, 2025    
All Day
04 Jul

Red, White, and Blue 6.2 5K/10K

July 4, 2025    
All Day
24 Aug

Triple Dam 10K

August 24, 2025    
All Day
06 Sep

Sprouty 5K/10K

September 6, 2025    
All Day
11 Oct

Downriver Rail Run 10K

October 11, 2025    
All Day
26 Oct

Tiger Run 5K/12K

October 26, 2025    
All Day
23 Nov

Turkey Trot 5K/10K

November 23, 2025    
All Day


Coming later.


  • Geoff Dunbar (Coordinator)
  • Melissa Herman (Prizes)
  • Helene Sisti (Scorekeeper)
  • Rick Currier
  • Sean Meissner
  • Krissy Flythe
  • Kristina Siladi

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