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Survey results: The effect of COVID-19 on the running habits of UVRC runners

By: Jim Burnett

Survey results: The effect of COVID-19 on the running habits of UVRC runners

Surveys sent out = 250+/-; responses = 64

General conclusions: UVRC runners have tended to run less with friends, to miss in-person activities and events and to be less motivated to train and race since the outbreak. 

MY TAKE: We are very fortunate to live in the Upper Valley where we can continue to enjoy outdoor exercise with our families and pets in our rural and relatively unspoiled environment.

Personally, my wife Kris and I are grateful for being able to enjoy the great outdoors with our extended family and UVRC members Joe and Yuki and their children Rio and Hannah, and let’s not forget our dog Mookie.

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51 North Park St

Lebanon NH 03766