Letter from a Board Member

Starting the Year Strong

By: Alex Hall

Training in the Upper Valley can be tricky in the winter. Overall, I feel like mother nature has been kind to us. The snowbanks haven’t completely encroached the shoulders of the road, the cold snaps seem much tamer, and snow storms have come in well timed cycles as opposed to a onslaught of 2″-3″ storms which always keeps the roads slippery and my shovel busy.

I’m hoping this means the club will be revved up for Shamrock Shuffle. Shamrock has always been the UVRC’s best race, where we have set the all time high score for a single team in the New Hampshire Grand Prix. It’s also the first race in the Upper Valley Running Series, where members of the club will face off against each other and accumulate points for age group competition. And with 1,000+ runners toeing the line, there will be plenty of harriers out there running with friends and family, stretch out the legs after a long winter, and/or putting their New Year’s resolution to the test.

If you want to help the club score points in the New Hampshire Grand Prix, you’ll definitely want to make sure you have renewed your membership. The only requirement is that your membership is up to date on the day of the race. The Upper Valley Running Series is more forgiving, where you will retroactively earn points as long as you’ve renewed by the 2nd race of the series. I’ve been encouraged by how many folks have either joined or renewed their membership over the last couple of months (thank you!). The more, the merrier, as UVRC’s strength comes in the size and diversity of the club. If you know anyone who is on the fence, let them know the ways you’ve benefited from the club, and bring them along to a practice or two to meet other area runners! We don’t actively advertise; word of mouth is how we keep our membership strong.

I look forward to seeing you out there on the roads, the trails, and for a little while longer, the slopes!

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UVRC, c/o Lebanon Recreation & Parks

51 North Park St

Lebanon NH 03766