September 2024 Newsletter

Note from the Editor

Read on for a farewell message from outgoing president RJ Jones, an introduction to our new UVRC co-presidents, a UVRS update, and runner profiles.

Nicole Losavio

UVRC Newsletter Team

Article Collection
Robert Jones

UVRC Newsletter Team

Letter from a Board Member

Catch You Later UVRC

By: Robert "RJ" Jones

Hello UVRC Fam. You might have heard some whispers behind closed doors or on the wind or even from a nosey squirrel or two that I, RJ, would be stepping down as President of the Upper Valley Running Club. Well, Friends I have bad news, sometimes rumors are true and this is one of them!

If you missed my note back in I think the January newsletter, I was accepted into a PhD program at the University of Vermont. After spending the last 7 months internally freaking out about all the life changes pursuing a PhD program entails, to say nothing of having to move to a town where I don’t know anyone and start over, I am here in Burlington! I’ve actually been here for almost a month and classes have started! But given that being a PhD student is something of a full-time job and that I no longer formally live in the UV it simply made sense for me to step away from the presidential role. That’s what the graceful, natural, and civil thing to do would have been. Instead what happened was that once I realized that stepping down would also mean I would have to give up the UVRC Ring of Power, Tiara, and Sacred Shoes that have kept me young and beautiful, and also come with a Strava Premium membership; I fled to the UVRC Tower hidden deep in the White Mountains locked the door, and decided my reign would last forever.

However, sensing a disturbance in the UVRC forces, three brave runners made their way into the White Mountains, through the UVRC Labyrinth, the UVRC Swamp of Death, wrestled the UVRC Armed Beartallion (5 bears that know karate) into submission, and solved all the UVRC riddles necessary to make it to the Tower (these things are really what your dues are paying for in case you were curious where the money goes), and challenged me to a duel for dominion over the UVRC.

It was a grueling battle lasting just over 360 seconds; but when the dust settled the three combatants had wrestled the Ring, Tiara, and Shoes from me and emerged as not one but THREE presidents of the UVRC each taking one of the UVRC artifacts and preserving the balance! We honor the Old Laws, so by rights they are now your presidents. And as it is written, I shall diminish and go to the North (aka become a grad student).

This is all a very fantastical way of explaining that I am leaving the UVRC in the very capable hands of three members who you probably already know! Cara Baskin, Drew Prescott, and Kristina Siladi have kindly volunteered to guide the UVRC into the next era and are officially your co-presidents as voted in by your Board of Directors! I’m excited to see from afar what great new things they’ll bring to the UVRC. I've already heard some of their wonderful ideas and, no spoilers, but I think you will be very pleased! It is my honor and privilege to be able to pass the mantle on to such amazing people and I know that their reign will be just and true…..or else I’ll come back (tone indicator: threat)

Before I fully abscond with my share of the UVRC treasure horde never to be seen again, I do want to share a few sincere parting words from my heart. I can say without hyperbole that being the UVRC President was one of the best things I ever did with my life. Interacting with all of you truly taught me the meaning of community and filled me with an immeasurable amount of joy. I found that being President was the exact opposite of a “thankless job”; I have never been more thanked for anything in my life and my typical response to being thanked became a sincere “my pleasure” because it was; it was my distinct privilege to serve you all and I consider myself fortunate to have done so and quite simply, it made me happy 😀. But the true thanks goes out to all of you! Thank you for being a community that welcomed me when I first started running, kept me sane through the rough years, and for bringing me lifelong friends. Thank you for trusting me with your fitness and your health, for being vulnerable at times, for sharing your time, your stories, your victories, and your joy with me. And most of all; thank you for being my Family. I walk away from this feeling fulfilled and grateful beyond measure. It has been a wonderful ride and I loved every minute of it! I will miss you all, but I am only down the road by New England standards so feel free to come visit and help me expand my dominion over the Burlington running clubs.

And lastly if I may, I’d like to leave you with some words of wisdom:

Run for fun.

If you don’t think running is fun, find a way to make it fun. Whatever it takes. Whether that is running in colorful outfits that express your identity, or running with your favorite people, or as a challenge to yourself, to get some time away from the woes of life, to make space for you to think and create, to have an excuse to make silly stories, to connect with your family, to find and explore new music, to compete against other people and build comradery; whatever it is,

Run for fun.

You are the captain of your body, your outlook sets the tone. If you see running as a punishment, then it will be. I encourage you to change your perspective and see running as a celebration. Will every run literally be fun? Absolutely not. Sometimes it just ain’t no good and that’s fine, it happens! But if you don’t try to enjoy them, if you don’t choose to see each run as an enjoyable activity, then NONE of them will be. So with that, my final decree as President of the UVRC is simple: Just have fun out there 😀!

That’s all for now! Catch you on the Flippy Floppy

-RJ (UVRC President Emeritus)

Letter from a Board Member

Get to Know Your New Co-Presidents

By: Kristina Siladi, Drew Prescott, & Cara Baskin


Where are you from originally and what brought you to this area?

I grew up in New England, and moved out west shortly after finishing college. I spent 15 years out west, mostly in Colorado, and for a long time, I never thought I would find myself living east of the Mississippi again. However, between the chaos of the the early years of the pandemic and the prolific wildfire smoke out west, the idea of living closer to family while still being able to play in the mountains quickly gained appeal. Vermont checked a lot of boxes in this regard.

What do you do professionally?

I'm a pediatric physical therapist. Among other things, I get to play on playgrounds at work!

How long have you been running?

Since high school. My freshman year, I played field hockey in the fall and then joined the indoor track team to "stay in shape" for field hockey. Track practice quickly changed my definition of "in shape." I really loved feeling like I was fit, which led me to outdoor track and eventually cross-country. I was never fast, but loved the camaraderie of cross country. I tore my ACL in high school and missed significant time while recovering from surgeries, but always remained an active part of the team.

How long have you been running competitively?

I ran for a small D3 cross-country team in college. We weren't competitive in our conference, but we had a lot of fun. I ran my first half-marathon shortly after finishing my undergrad, and first marathon two years later. I ran my first 50 miler just before grad school, and ultrarunning was a huge part of how I maintained my sanity in grad school.

Why do you run?

Running does so much for me. I'm an introvert by nature, so running is my alone time to process my day. Introverts can still enjoy good company, and I have found many life-long friends through running. I also love to travel, and running has brought be to some incredible places.

Best athletic accomplishment and why?

Finishing the San Diego 100. I first attempted it in 2015. I had blister issues really early on, and ended up dropping at mile 88. Eighty-eight miles without a finish left me pretty physically and emotionally drained. I finished a different 100-miler that year, but San Diego remained a proverbial desert thorn in my side. I returned to it in 2018, after recovering from my first pelvic stress fracture in 2016. It was a long road to get there. 2018 was a hot year on the course. It winds along the PCT in the high desert and is open and exposed. Much of the afternoon was spent on a trail in the blazing sun lined which shoulder-high oak brush that acted like an oven. I was so happy when the sun went down and the temperature dropped. I didn't have any pacers (though Sean was my excellent crew!), so I spent some hours alone in the dark. I only had a short window of time when I was convinced that a mountain lion was going to jump out and end me, and I was proud of myself for pushing through that. When the sun came up, so did the temperature, and then came my blisters. My last few miles were a slow, painful shuffle, but I got myself across that finish line. I think of it regularly when I need to remind myself that I can do hard things.

If you like to race, notable race moment? OR most memorable race?

My first mountain race was in 2010, the Kennebec Mountain Run outside of Durango, CO. I fell in love with mountain running, and returned to it each year after that. In 2016, I was injured and unable to race. I volunteered as a course marshal with my sweet Rottweiler (the love of my life) by my side helping me. Sean (the human love of my life) ran it with our border collie. When he ran by me, he asked the race photographer, who happened to be nearby, to take our picture. I thought it was strange that he was stopping for a picture during the race, but before I could say anything about it, he knelt down on a pile of scree and asked me to marry him. I said yes.

Training partners?

I run alone a lot. Sean and I enjoy getting out for mountain adventures together. And I'm pretty darn thankful for the TNT crew; I run much faster with others than I would on my own on a track.

Cross training activities?

Swimming and cross-country skiing.

Favorite local running route?

Mt. Ascutney and surrounding trails.

Why did you join UVRC?

To meet new people and learn more about my new community upon moving here. I continue to show up because of the great people and because track workouts are so much more tolerable with company!

Do you have a tried and true running shoe brand/model?

I used to wear Pearl Izumis back when they made running shoes. I miss them! Right now I use Brooks Caldera on the trails and Saucony Endorphin Shift on the roads.

Ever been injured? Were you able to recover and if so what steps did you take?

Yikes, is there a character limit on these responses? ;-) I spent my 20s largely without injuries, and then had multiple pelvic stress fractures in my 30s. Do you know what you can do to stay fit when your pelvis is broken? Not much. Recovery involved addressing physical, hormonal, and nutritional issues. The biggest challenge was the mental aspect. I needed running to feel like a sane human, and felt like it betrayed me. It took a lot to process that. It has been years since my last fracture, and while I am starting to finally feel like I am slowly getting back to my "normal" as a runner, I am still keenly aware that it can all be taken away so easily.

Hot or cold weather runner?

I'd take cold over hot, though a pleasantly crisp fall day is my preference.

What is your favorite race?

The Kennebec Mountain Run

Aside from running, what are your hobbies?

I'm a voracious reader, a doting dog mom, and a mediocre gardener.

Anything else you'd like to add?

Thanks for reading my blurb! UVRC has been such a big part of why Vermont feels like home for me. I am very excited for the opportunity to serve in a presidential trio with two stellar humans. It will take at least three of us to fill the giant shoes that our tireless leader RJ is leaving behind!


Most of you probably know me as the guy that sends out the annoying Saturday morning run emails every week that you delete without reading (it’s ok I’m not offended). As one of your new UVRC co-presidents I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself and help you get to know the man behind the curtain.

I joined the club last October after moving to the Upper Valley with my dog, Harper. Born and raised in New Hampshire, this area has always been a second home, having spent many weekends growing up visiting family in the Upper Valley.

Obviously, I love running, whether it’s roads, trails, or anything in between. Any day I get to go for a run is a good day in my book. I also enjoy hiking, biking, and XC skiing in the winter. Besides enjoying all the amazing outdoors have to offer, I love baking (and eating) bread, especially sourdough. I’ve also been known to bake some pretty mean pizzas and pies. What can I say, I like carbs…

I’m honored to have the opportunity to give back to the UVRC, whose incredible and passionate runners have inspired me to take on new and fun running challenges of my own. Since joining the club, I completed my second marathon, the Sugarloaf Marathon, setting a new PR by almost an hour (there was a lot of room for improvement over my first time), am planning to run the Boston Marathon next spring, and am currently training for the VT50 at the end of September—races that I would not have considered without the encouragement and support of the UVRC community.

One of my favorite activities within the club has been running as a pacer in the CBHM and the CHaD Half Marathon. Pacing allows me to combine my love for running with the opportunity to support and encourage others in achieving their goals. It’s an incredibly rewarding experience helping fellow runners achieve their running goals and cross the finish line with a sense of accomplishment.

I’m truly looking forward to getting to know all our amazing members and can’t wait to hear about your exciting running endeavors. Don’t hesitate to come say hi next time you see me!


Hi Team! Coach Cara here. I joined UVRC in 2015, shyly showing up to TNT with the prompting of my singular running friend. I had seen pictures of a prior professor having so much fun in her team singlet but was too scared to go. It turns out, all it took was showing up to change everything. In our pre-workout circle, I asked a bunch of strangers if they'd join my Ragnar Relay team and bam! Kevin Hartstein came right over to be my friend. Almost every friendship I've gained in the last 9 years has been sparked either directly from this club or club members' friends. UVRC truly means community to me. I owe this club a lot and am always welcomed, in whatever state, pace or shape I'm in. I hope in being a co-president of UVRC I can continue to create that community for you too.

My running interests have definitely morphed since living in the Upper Valley, and while I prefer slow, long runs, preferably where snacks are mandated and I'm engulfed in green goodness or snow from trail to sky, the consistency of TNT is a very welcome routine. Even when I don't want to go fast, when I'm in a bad mood, or when every other excuse is in play, all it takes is showing up to turn the day around.There have been a lot of new faces in the club this year and there are many more people for me to meet, but I encourage you to just show up and say "Hi!" It makes a difference!

Race Announcements

By: Geoff Dunbar

The Upper Valley Running Series (UVRS) rambles on! Congratulations to all the runners of the Triple Dam 10K down in Perkinsville, VT. I missed it with a calf injury but I understand it was a successful inaugural event.

Depending on when you're reading this, the next race is September 7th, in Sharon VT: it's the Sprouty 5K/10K (! This late summer race has been in the UVRS for years and is good fun for all, with a fast 5K and a challenging 10K.

Or, if the Sprouty has already gone, how about October 27th, the Tiger Run 5K/12K in Enfield NH? Another Upper Valley classic. (

So, what is this UVRS that you’re hearing so much about? It’s our club’s series of local road races. Full information:

Full-series registration is closed for the year, but you can still participate in the series. As long as you are an up-to-date UVRC member, you can just sign up for each race through the normal race registration (even day-of is OK). You’ll get credit as a series participant.

For 2024, you need to run 7 (of the 11) races to get the finisher prize. With 3 races to go, I think you can still get there (hopefully you've already done at least 4)!

If you don’t want to race, or have a family member along, who doesn’t want to run, consider volunteering. Prizes available. See the March newsletter “Volunteering” article for details.

Runner Profile

Runner Profile: Charlie Magne B. Intong

By: Robert "RJ" Jones





Where are you from originally and what brought you to this area?

From Cebu City, Philippines (South East Asia). I followed my wife who worked at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center as a Registered Nurse after serving the Philippine National Police service for 21yrs and 15 days.

What do you do professionally?

I’m a retired law enforcement professional/criminologist. Meantime, just in transition while making the necessary adjustments and basically looking forward for a new career here in Lebanon, NH.

How long have you been running?

6 years

How long have you been running competitively?

I’ve been joining races for 6years competing in my age group otherwise just simply beating my personal best.

Why do you run?

I run as I find it way easier to do since it does not entail a lot of preparation other than putting on your running shoes etc. Also, it’s the best way for me to maintain my fitness level because I do a lot of sports. On the other hand, I find it a good stress reliever specially when you run in trails. On top of it, it’s fun to socialize with the fitness community.

Recent memorable moment while running?

Red, white and blue 6.2mile race last July 4, 2024. I was so amazed just as how fast 50’s, 60-70’s could run here that I couldn’t even make up their pace. 😁

Best athletic accomplishment and why?

My triathlon race last April in the Philippines where I had a stomach upset that caused me to dump five times during the bike and run course. I was able to finish the race though in spite of the predicament  and not the last one. Best accomplishment ever. 😂✌️

If you like to race, favorite race distance? Why?

6.2 miles and above because I’m more of an endurance runner than a sprinter. In fact, I haven’t race yet in less than a 10km category.

If you like to race, notable race moment? OR most memorable race?

To complete the 6 world marathon majors. Most notable is Chicago Marathon 2019 because it’s my first full marathon, first star and I finish it sub5hrs. Equally memorable race is the Singapore Standard chartered marathon last December 2023 because i took video while running with the marina bay sands at the background and finishing it with a decent time.

Training partners?

Team Center for Orthopedics in Cebu City, Philippines

Cross training activities?


Favorite local running route?

Northern rail trail to Mascoma lake

What is strangest place you have ever run?

Safari trail race in Cebu Philippines because I haven’t seen any animal specie along the race route. 😆

Any notable streaks or other unusual running events?


What made you start running?

I began running when I got selected in the Chicago marathon 2019

Do you have a running 'idol'?

Eliud Kipchoge of Kenya as he was the only person to ran 26.2 miles in under 2hrs proving that it’s possible and that no human is limited.

Are your reasons for running now the same or different than the reason you first started?

It’s different since i started running just to simply train for the Chicago marathon but now for me running is a way of life. It’s the most noble way of finding peace towards oneself in commune with nature and socializing people of same interest.

Why did you join UVRC?

I joined UVRC because running can be boring at times. It pays to have a community that will push you and help you attain the best version of the person you were yesterday. The community always radiates positivity, beautiful people with good souls.

Do you have a tried and true running shoe brand/model?

I have tried hoka one rincon 2019, NB fuel cell rebel V4 2021, Nike Pegasus 41 2022, adidas Boston 12 2023, adidas Adizero prime x 2023, ASICS Novablast 3 2024 and ASICS nimbus 26 2024.

Ever been injured? Were you able to recover and if so what steps did you take?

Gladly not yet and god forbid.

Hot or cold weather runner?

Not too hot, cold weather I think.

What is your favorite race?


Aside from running, what are your hobbies?

Cycling, swimming, hiking, lawn tennis, table tennis, badminton, basketball, reading, cooking, movies, music.

What does your daily workout consist of?

Whole body with minimal reps.

If you could run with anyone, who would be the person?

Anybody in my pace and could talk anything in the course 😄

Runner Profile

Runner Profile: Lisa Sharp

By: Robert "RJ" Jones


Lisa Sharp


W. Leb

Where are you from originally and what brought you to this area?

Originally from Ohio. Work/family bought me here and i fell in lo e with the UV and stayed.

What do you do professionally?

I work at Dartmouth as admin in a pre-health/early-career prof. Dev. Program.

How long have you been running?

A long time on and off

How long have you been running competitively?


Why do you run?

For health and a challenge

Are your reasons for running now the same or different than the reason you first started?

I'm 53 and I still can! Not a whole lot of people my age can say that.

Why did you join UVRC?

I want to get better.  I am a walk/runner but want to be a runner again.  Getting back into it after gaining weight and just being out of shape in general.

Do you have a tried and true running shoe brand/model?

Brooks.glycerin 21

Ever been injured? Were you able to recover and if so what steps did you take?

Slow and steady progress. 

Hot or cold weather runner?

Cold preferred. But both.

Aside from running, what are your hobbies?

Hiking the white mountains. Working on the 48. (37 down!)

What does your daily workout consist of?

I dont have one. I need one.

Runner Profile

Runner Profile: Ryan Buttrick

By: Robert "RJ" Jones


Ryan Buttrick


Enfield, NH

Where are you from originally and what brought you to this area?

Hudson, MA.  came here for a new job and allure of a more rural/suburb way of living

What do you do professionally?

Registered Nurse

How long have you been running?

Since 2000  ish

How long have you been running competitively?

Can't say I have been running competitively, but always trying to improve my times and PBs.

Why do you run?

Love the way it makes me feel and a great stress reliever.

Recent memorable moment while running?

Getting caught in a hail storm while running up in Northern Maine!!  luckily it was only pebble sized and for maybe only 5 minutes!!

Best athletic accomplishment and why?

My first marathon! 2006 or so.  Just worked extremely hard for a good year to  run it without walking.  Ended up getting maybe 3 hours 20 minutes at the Baystate Marathon in Lowell, MA

If you like to race, favorite race distance? Why?

Love the half marathon distance, not too long, but long enough to get a great workout in and some of the most beautiful races ive participated in have been half marathons

Training partners?

not yet, but always open to getting more miles in and meeting new people

Cross training activities?

hiking.... hoping to get into cycling soon!

Favorite local running route?

just hopping on the rail trail in Enfield, more of a convenience factor at the moment, still learning the area!

What is strangest place you have ever run?

Any notable streaks or other unusual running events?

There was a running series in Lowell, MA  and one 5k race where you would run with a empty "mystery box."  So very awkwardly carrying a 2ftx2ft cardboard box and at the end you could possibly win one of many raffle prizes.

What made you start running?

Did middle distance track in high school and in college I just wanted to stay in shape and healthy.  Long distance running was a way to do that and eventually I got the urge to run a marathon.

Do you have a running 'idol'?

I was always impressed with Rick Hoyt and how he would compete in all the marathons/triathlons with his son with cerebral palsy

Are your reasons for running now the same or different than the reason you first started?

Pretty much

Why did you join UVRC?

Meet new people interested in running and improve my running times.

Do you have a tried and true running shoe brand/model?

Ever been injured? Were you able to recover and if so what steps did you take?

Luckily not majorly!!  Just a sprained ankle.

Hot or cold weather runner?

cold weather!!   I can always add more layers to warm up!!  Not much you can do if its hot and humid!  I definitely enjoyed running more in -40F temps, then the 90F hot and humid temps!!

What is your favorite race?

Swanzey Covered Bridge Half Marathon

Aside from running, what are your hobbies?

Really love the outdoors!  Love camping, hiking, snowboarding and currently trying to see all the national parks in the US.

What does your daily workout consist of?

Usually a 5 mile run or hiking somewhere!

If you could run with anyone, who would be the person?

Bill Clinton back in his prime and hitting up Mcdonalds afterwards.  More so to pick the brain of a president who actually could run.

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UVRC, c/o Lebanon Recreation & Parks

51 North Park St

Lebanon NH 03766