Runner Profile

Runner Profile: Alyssa Godesky

By: Matt Sherman

Name: Alyssa Godesky
Town: West Fairlee, VT

Where are you from originally and what brought you to this area? Born and raised outside of Annapolis, MD but I moved to the Upper Valley from the Charlottesville, Virginia area in 2021.

What do you do professionally? I’m a retired professional triathlete who is now full-time coaching and dabbling in trail running adventures, adventure racing, and other endurance sports. 

How long have you been running? I think my dad entered me in my first local 5k when I was ~8 years old.

How long have you been running competitively? In college I picked up ultramarathons, and that is when I started to get competitive with running. Prior to that, I played club sports in college (lacrosse), and I played soccer through high school. 

Why do you run? I love the simplicity of it. I love the challenges it presents. It’s a great way to be able to move through the outdoors. 

Recent memorable moment while running? I’m training for a Swim-Run race in August so I am doing a lot of my running while wearing a wetsuit and carrying paddles and a pull buoy, which makes a lot of the running memorable based on the looks you get! I recently had some friends come to the area to train, and we created a swim-run route starting at Crystal Lake, running up to and swimming in Cole Pond and Butternut Pond, then dropping down to Eastman Lake and swimming in the lake and running the lakeside trail. It was a pretty awesome day!

Best athletic accomplishment and why? I currently hold female supported Fastest Known Times for Vermont’s Long Trail, the Adirondack High Peaks, and the New Hampshire 4000 Footers. I raced a lot of triathlon in my career but these stand out to me as my most meaningful accomplishments because they were all a huge team effort with the crews that came to get me through each one.

If you like to race, favorite race distance? Why? I’ve always loved the full Ironman distance. For one thing, it tends to suit me since I’m more of a diesel engine than a speedster. But there is something so pure about the endurance it requires to race an Ironman and push yourself to the limits. It really pushes boundaries of human endurance, and watching how fast it has become in recent years is really inspiring.

Training partners? I run the most with my boyfriend (Matt) and our dog (Max). But I come to Tuesday night track for speedy women to run with!

Cross training activities? As a triathlete, I do a lot of swimming and biking as part of my training. I also hike a lot, and strength train a couple times a week.

Favorite local running route? We live out in West Fairlee and there are a lot of great dirt roads. Running around Lake Fairlee is always a favorite though.

Favorite post run treat? Mostly just food :) Ice Cream, Pizza, an IPA… I don’t think I am too picky on my post run treats! 

Are your reasons for running now the same or different than the reason you first started? There has been a definite evolution from a pure competitive motivation to one that now is rooted in places to explore or adventures to be had. But it’s always been a great way for me to relax and stay centered no matter how busy life gets.

Why did you join UVRC? For the social aspect, as well as the speedy folks to help push me. 

Ever run in a costume? I think a lot of people might say a tri kit is basically a costume :) 

Ever been injured? How did it happen? Currently! At the end of May, I stepped onto the treadmill for a workout and tore my posterior medial meniscus root off the bone. I’ve been managing it with PT and a creative training plan to get through a swim-run race in August, then will be getting surgery in September.

Hot or cold weather runner? Both!

Morning or evening runner? Morning!

What is your favorite race? Any turkey trot, and Ironman Wisconsin.

How about favorite work out? Even though speed really hasn’t ever been my strong suit, I love a good track workout, especially in a ladder format. But if a long run/hike in the mountains counts as a workout, that would probably be my #1. 

What is your diet like? I eat just about everything and anything! I try to source as much locally when possible, but definitely not perfect on that - it’s a work in progress. And our snack pantry is full of everything from trail mix to oreos, nutella and bread…lots of carbs for sure.

If you like to race, what is your favorite type of race? I love watching the Fastest Known Time website and getting inspiration from those vs. a formal race. I think it’s really cool to be able to create your own challenge and get to see places in the outdoors that official races never take you to.

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