Runner Profile


By: Scott King

Name: RJ which stands for Robert Jones (there are several Robert Joneses in my family so I thought I’d be slightly different

Town: Hanover, NH

Where are you from originally and what brought you to this area?: I’m originally from a pretty large suburb of Phoenix, Arizona called Ahwatukee. I came to Hanover in 2014 to do a one year internship at the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. But one year turned to two, and then they hired me as a full federal employee, and then they didn’t fire me before my probationary period was up so now they’re stuck with me until either time stops or I die .

What do you do professionally?: I’m a microbiologist and data scientist for the Cold Regions Lab. In broad strokes I use computational techniques to parse out the millions of DNA sequences we can extract from microorganisms in a variety of environments (snow, soil, skin, etc) to understand which microbes are there and potentially what they are doing. For example, if we were interested in understanding what would happen if some company accidentally dumped a bunch of crude oil on snow, we could collect snow samples from that area, extract the DNA, and I would look for bacteria that are known to have the ability to munch on complex hydrocarbons and their general abundance. Because if they are there perhaps the oil spill won’t be nearly as bad and we could model how long the degradation would take. I’m also interested in how microorganisms sense things in the environment and also how they signal each other that something is going down and if we humans can leverage that to get better resolution on microbial and environmental processes. Or utilize microbes as novel forms of communication. Clearly I like talking about work, ask me questions if you see me!

How long have you been running?: I think at this point a year and a half!

How long have you been running competitively?: I wouldn’t say I’m competitive in the traditional sense, I mean in my mind I would need to have some kind of fierce rival from another town that I’m constantly trying to get the upper hand on, a Gary Oak if you will. But I’ve done races for the last year or so and I’m pretty sure I beat at least one person in my age group. This isn’t the pinnacle of sportsmanship but for motivation whenever I race about halfway through I’ll pick someone who seems to be about my pace and declare that if I beat them I have “won” the race.

Why do you run?: For fun! I mean yes I also do it to keep my weight down and it allows me to be much more lenient with the amount of junk food I eat, but primarily I do it for fun. It helps me relax, lets me do deep thinking, and I get to jam out to what some might call weird music without interruptions or judgement (you can judge all you want, I know a boppin beat when I hear one). In my mind it also justifies all the shoes I buy because someone, let’s say a professional runner, mentioned that having different kinds of shoes helps work different muscles thus reducing risk for injury. Whether that’s true or not it gives validity to something I was going to do anyway.

Recent memorable moment while running?: Recently for the first time I ran the entirety of River Road and back. I’ve lived nearby for so long but never actually did it. It’s beautiful!

Best athletic accomplishment and why?: Honestly the fact that I’m still running to me is my biggest accomplishment. I was a person who really did not enjoy running and was very vocal about it. But now it feels weird if I don’t have a run during the day. Total convert as they say.

If you like to race, notable race moment? OR most memorable race?: Most memorable race would have to be the Montreal Rock and Roll Half-Marathon I did in September 2019. It began pretty horrid because they started the race almost an hour late and I had totally lost my buzz. But we got to run through the old Olympic stadium which was super cool and I had never experienced a race of that size before, the energy was incredible. Unfortunately I kind of burned out towards the end but I had a solid running buddy the whole time that stuck by me even as I think I dramatically said “I think I’m dying go on without me!” so that kept me going.

Training partners?: I’m lucky that I have lots of runs with people in the club (who get to be featured in the titles of my Strava runs, a high honor I know :P). But I’m always looking for more! I love running with people. What I really need is a running dog, alas.

Cross training activities?: Does baking count as a cross training activity? I used to bike a lot but found I had more fun running. Oh and racquet ball!

Favorite local running route?: I call it the Unicorn Run. You start by CRREL and then turn by the co-op to get on RIP road, snake through some neighborhoods and pop up on wheellock, go down to the other co-op (isn’t it crazy how there are two within running distance of each other?), wind through downtown Hanover, around Occom and then back. And when you are done the shape looks like a Unicorn rising up on its haunches to kick some evildoer in the face.

Favorite post run treat?: In the summer I love chugging a cold PBR. Also a toasted PB&J but I’d eat that whenever. I always crave something salty after a run so ramen is a good choice too. Really the best treat is a hot shower and a nap.

Strangest place ever run?: I don’t really have any as of right now but I’m open to suggestions!

Any notable streaks or other unusual running events?: Alas no but something that I heard about that sounded really fun is the Night Owl run. I’m not sure where it is in New Hampshire but it’s a night race where you aren’t allowed any time keeping devices and you win by being the closest person to cross the finish line exactly at midnight. One day I hope to do it!

What made you start running?: Good question! My buddy and fellow UVRC member Matt Sherman, tricked me into doing the Run for Pie by telling me that everyone who ran got pie. And I, who hadn’t run seriously in a long time, was like “oh fine I can get off my butt for a 5k if there is pie at the end”. Of course in actuality if you ran and *placed* you got pie I found out but still I suffered through that 5k and honestly kind of got my butt kicked. But afterwards Matt continued to encourage me to keep it up, to come to the Saturday morning runs and meet people, to log my runs and watch my pace, he encouraged me to sign up for races even if I didn’t think I would do very well. He’s a good hype man and I probably would have stopped running if it hadn’t been for him. So find yourselves a good hype man people!

Who is your running “idol”?: All of you in the club! Seriously! We are such a diverse group of runners and I have been consistently humbled by the passion everyone has.

Are your reasons for running now the same or different than the reason you first started?: Very much so! I mean at first it was more about fitness and not being a chunk (my own mother remarked at “how less fat” my face was after I’d been running for a while. But somewhere along the way I found myself thinking halfway through the workday “man I can’t wait to run” or after something stressful happened I would be like “god, I just need to run or something then I’ll be better”. It became something I actually found enjoyable and was part of how I de-stressed. Of course the community is just icing on the cake!

Why did you join UVRC?: Matt Sherman told me I should haha. But also, I’ve never really been much of a joiner but everyone was so nice and encouraging it just felt right. I mean maybe I also really wanted that sweet singlet but that’s neither here nor there.

Ever run in a costume?: Technically no but I feel with all my multicolored running lights I look like a disco robot.

The only running shoe for me is… The Brooks Asteria! I love that shoe so much it feel like it was made for me. It fits my weirdly shaped feet, is my favorite color, and it was the first shoe I ever ran double digits in.

Ever been injured? How did it happen?: I’m kind of dealing with some behind the knee pain right now that I think came from overexertion and not stretching very frequently. Also if you’re reading this this is just a PSA to hydrate. Have you drank any water today? STAY HYDRATED PEOPLE! IT IS SO EASY AND IMPORTANT! HYDRATE OR DIEDRATE!

Hot or cold weather runner?: Somewhere in the vastness between? It’s really about the fashion here. I love tights, hoodies, and jackets with thumb holes, but I also like the modesty pushing split shorts and singlets I can wear in the heat of summer.

Morning or evening runner?: Evening 100%. My motor does not get running until at least noon. It is something of a small miracle that I’ve done these races that required me to get up at 5AM.

What is your motivation?: There is a sizeable hole in which I’ve buried all the things that I have started and quitted but I’m committed to making sure that running is not one of them. I never thought it would be something I could do and even like doing and the fact that I was so wrong has reframed my own self-doubt. It probably isn’t healthy but there is always that tiny voice in the back of my mind (though it’s gotten quieter and quieter) that insists that “this is just a phase”. Continuing to run is my way of giving that voice the middle finger. Also I lost a lot of weight and don’t want to have to buy new clothes again. I mean I do, I love clothes, but I want to buy them because I want to not because I have to.

I run therefore I… let my creativity run too. I am a creative person by nature, just thinking of new stuff regardless of what it is gets me excited. Usually these are stories and concepts and such. If you follow me on Strava you may have noticed that my runs have strange titles like they are out of pulp fiction novels. These are the stories that I’m making in my brain while I’m running. I create characters that are always on some kind of journey and play the movie of that journey in my head while I’m running. And if you run with me I make a character based on you too as a guest star (you know you want in on this ). It allows me to ignore the mileage, the time, whatever is stressing me out in my life, and just be in complete control inside my own head for a while where cool things are happening and there’s always a happy ending. I also love running fashion and gear so part of my prep is putting together an ensemble that looks aesthetically cool, it to me is a way of owning my runs but also supporting my clothing and shoe addiction. And one of my mottos is “look fly, feel fly”. Lastly, my characters need some dope background music so it’s gotten me into crafting epic playlists, mostly from animes which almost all unanimously have songs with high BPMS and this keeps my running momentum up. If you ever see me running and lip syncing it’s probably to something from an anime….or Panic at the Disco.

Favorite running book/film?: I’ve never read or watched a running based thing so I’m going to make one up and hopefully someone with money somewhere will make it a thing. It would probably be an anime because that’s just my jam. It would be about a futuristic world in which urban adventure relays (like parkour but more jetpacks, robots, rocket powered skates, and death mazes) have taken the world by storm. Co-ed teams compete for glory in complex and sometimes dangerous courses setup in our world’s major cities. They have to combine the physical and mental talents of each team member so it isn’t just about being fast. Because I’m a sucker for the underdog, this would of course be about a ragtag team of disparate people who actually learn to love running and the relay through their team bonding but also by wanting to beat the unnecessarily evil local elite team. Spoilers, they actually lose to the elite team because hey they’re elite for a reason BUT the elite team has to acknowledge that perhaps for the first time in a while they really felt the passion for what they did and had to work to win. Because really it’s all about the fun of the game am I right? Anyway get on that Michael Bay!

How about favorite work out?: I like a nice easy 6 miler with no hills! Ugh hills are the bane of my existence. Start off with easy pace and ramp up every mile until the last mile is a blitz! Finish with a bang I always say.

What is your diet like?: Well I run so I can pork out whenever I feel like it, but I am a vegetarian so I would say it’s moderately healthy. I eat a lot of eggs, kale, and ramen but I’ve gotten into making my own noodles and perfecting my own broth because I am hipster trash on the inside. And I bake. One would think that I’m trying to fatten my housemates up for some nefarious purpose given how often I bake but really it’s just how I show my love, and also satisfy my sweet tooth.

If you could run with anyone, who would be the person?: Brandon Sanderson. I’ve never read any of his books but in the time we are running I’m going to offload all the stories I’ve been keeping in my head in the hopes that he’ll make one of them into a book.

What else should the club know about you?: If I ever tell you that I believe in you, I mean it. Every time. If there is one thing you can always trust in life it’s that RJ believes in you.

Aside from running, what are your hobbies?: I think I mentioned this a lot but I love baking. I’m also learning how to make all those things that I previously thought required special skills but really could be done by your average joe. Things like homemade ramen noodles, dumplings, sour candy (I love candy), and such. I’m also really into video games and dungeons and dragons so if you ever want to play hit me up! I’ve been a DM several times.

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51 North Park St

Lebanon NH 03766