Runner Profile

Meet Sarah

By: Robert Jones


Sarah Craig



Where are you from originally and what brought you to this area?

I grew up in MO and lived in several midwestern and southern states until a job opportunity at DHMC brought my husband and I to NH.

What do you do professionally?

I am a clinical psychologist

How long have you been running?

On and off since grad school (around 2009)

How long have you been running competitively?

I only compete with myself--I have never aimed to win anything!

Why do you run?

I started to run because I was in a new place where I knew no one and wanted a hobby. I was too broke to join a gym! I kept running because it felt like an important way to take care of both my mind and my body.

Recent memorable moment while running?

Completing my first half marathon this June was truly special--something I never thought I had in me because I had only ever run 10k before.

Best athletic accomplishment and why?

Finishing the Ski, Shoe, and Fatbike to the Clouds race this winter. I had DNF'd the previous year due to the time limit and so I put so much extra time into training and took off over 20 min of time!

If you like to race, favorite race distance? Why?

It's now 13.1 miles :) I am not fast, so the 5kers are too much for me. Even 10kers have a much faster pace. The slow and steady crowd are my people.

If you like to race, notable race moment? OR most memorable race?

It's hard to forget the 2023 Mt. Washington Road Race--the weather was the worst I'd ever ran or hiked in!

Training partners?

My husband, mostly solo, though

Cross training activities?

Barre, TRX, Spin classes, kayaking, lots of hiking

Favorite local running route?

I'm pretty content to just run out my front door around my neighborhood

What is strangest place you have ever run?

In a swamp in Mississippi, complete with alligators and snakes

Any notable streaks or other unusual running events?

I've finished the Mt Washington road race two years in a row now

What made you start running?

I'm not sure! Boredom, I think. I had never been involved in anything athletic growing up because my parents were pleased I was academically inclined so never encouraged me to branch out from that.

Do you have a running 'idol'?

Jasmin Paris is pretty amazing--she proved this year that women can do every single race that men can do. I idolize people who finish at the back of the pack and still celebrate their personal victory. I idolize parents who run with strollers and moms who start running after having babies.

Are your reasons for running now the same or different than the reason you first started?

Different now. Now I run to feel strong in my body and to challenge myself to do races or runs I never would have done before (I used to walk every single hill, no matter how small, and now I sometimes "run" up mountains :) )

Why did you join UVRC?

To hold myself accountable to running on a regular basis.

Do you have a tried and true running shoe brand/model?

Nike, all the way. I started with the kind that had the nike running chip that you put in the sole of the shoe to track runs!

Ever been injured? Were you able to recover and if so what steps did you take?

Tweaked a knee sliding down Mt. Jackson in snowshoes. I experimented a lot with KT tape, but ultimately it seemed like time was the solution.

Hot or cold weather runner?

40-50 degrees is the best!

What is your favorite race?

I love the energy of the Shamrock Shuffle!

Aside from running, what are your hobbies?

I just finished the 48 4,000 footers and am looking to finish a couple of other hiking lists for NH/New England. I like to relax at the beach/casually kayak. Spending time with my family finding the best ice cream is a favorite summer hobby!

What does your daily workout consist of?

I'm rarely that consistent! It's either cardio or strength, rarely both in the same day

If you could run with anyone, who would be the person?

Anyone funny enough to distract me! Or a really great yoga instructor who could coach me on breathing.

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UVRC, c/o Lebanon Recreation & Parks

51 North Park St

Lebanon NH 03766