Runner Profile

Meet Kurt

By: Robert Jones


Kurt Huebner



Where are you from originally and what brought you to this area?

I'm originally from the Detroit, MI area! We moved here from Boston so my partner can obtain her master's degree and pursue a career as a registered dietician.

What do you do professionally?

I am a sales engineer for a software company called Proof. My job is to be the "tech guru" during any large sales cycle - giving demos, meeting with developers and CTOs to confirm requirements, and other boring things of that nature.

How long have you been running?

About 13 years!

How long have you been running competitively?

13 years - I have always completed off and on in some capacity, whether that was cross country as a teenager or trail racing and ultra marathons in college.

Why do you run?

I love to race and it's typically my main motivation to run with any consistency.

Recent memorable moment while running?

Running into a black bear cub on the Wapack Trail in southern NH

Best athletic accomplishment and why?

Finishing Virgil Crest 100 miler in 2022 when 2/3rds of the field DNFed due to heat and over 22,000 feet of vertical gain.

If you like to race, favorite race distance? Why?

50k or half marathon. They are both distances that are long enough to separate the field but still have some room for racing hard and don't destroy your body quite as much as their bigger siblings (the marathon and 50-100 milers).

If you like to race, notable race moment? OR most memorable race?

Climbing Mad River Glen in pea soup fog after sundown during a 12 hour timed race in 2021 - I had to hold my watch in front of me to check the GPS track constantly as I could only see ~6 feet in front of me.

Training partners?

Whoever shows up to Saturday/Tuesday runs! I run alone a lot as I like to go slow on my long runs.

Cross training activities?

Cycling, cross country skiing, (in-bounds) ski touring, and sport climbing!

Favorite local running route?

Slayton Hill - I'm a sucker for vert

What is strangest place you have ever run?

An aqueduct carved into the side of a mountain on the island of Madeira - not for those with a fear of heights.

What made you start running?

Cross country when I was in high school

Do you have a running 'idol'?

East coast FKT demolisher Jack Kuenzle - arguably the strongest big mountain runner in the US right now!

Are your reasons for running now the same or different than the reason you first started?

I mainly run now to enjoy the adventure of big races and long runs - not because I am a part of a team and "have to".

Why did you join UVRC?

To meet runners in the area and make new friends!

Do you have a tried and true running shoe brand/model?

Topo Mountain Racers

Ever been injured? Were you able to recover and if so what steps did you take?

I am a chronic ankle sprainer/roller. Lots and lots of PT is typically the only solution.

Hot or cold weather runner?

Cold weather

What is your favorite race?

Mt. Tam Trail Run Half in Stinson Beach, CA

Aside from running, what are your hobbies?

Climbing, skiing, video games and watching motorsports (F1, WEC, IMSA, Indycar, etc).

What does your daily workout consist of?

Typically low heart rate base mileage.

If you could run with anyone, who would be the person?

Jessie Diggins of the US Ski Team

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UVRC, c/o Lebanon Recreation & Parks

51 North Park St

Lebanon NH 03766