July 2024 Newsletter

Note from the Editor

Happy summer! This newsletter is a bit delayed because I went on vacation to Michigan and promptly forgot to publish. It seems a little ironic to leave the lakes, rivers, and forests of the Upper Valley to enjoy the lakes, forests, and rivers of Michigan, but both places fill my soul in different ways. It was nice to enjoy some sandy trails and wide skies - a different running and hiking environment than our rocky New England home. Although I am incredibly grateful for this personal break, today I am thinking of our friends in Vermont dealing with flooding, and I hope our UVRC community and wider running community are staying safe. Here is the club news for July.

Anne Farrell

UVRC Newsletter Team

Article Collection
Robert Jones

UVRC Newsletter Team

Letter from a Board Member

News and Announcements July 2024

By: Robert Jones

Racing Updates

  • HUGE Congratulations to all the UVRC Racers who came to run the Shaker 7! Y’all crushed it out there earning the club over 1,000 points if my math is correct! Specific shoutouts to Gunner Currier, Pam Moore, and Dan Shea for snagging the big points! 
  • The next NHGP race is the Run for Freedom (July 4th) which is also the same day as the next UVRS Race the Red, White, and Blue 6.2 and 5k. Decisions, decisions. 
  • Road races not your thing? Hurricane Hill is just around the corner (20 July) and is sure to satisfy your trail racing cravings
  • Coming up in August us a new entry in the UVRS put on by one of our own members! The Triple Dam 10K (25 Aug)
  • Congratulations to the graduates of our Spring 2024 Couch to 5k Session! They completed the Lace up for Laura 5k June 29th AND won the award for the “Most Laces” aka the largest club! Congratulations all! I hope you will keep your progress going! 

Club Announcements

Local Resources: Our good friends at Ciofreddi and Associates (Physical Therapy and Wellness) want to remind our members that they provide a multitude of services specifically for runners and athletes beyond physical therapy, such as their VO2 Max testing service (see attached flier). VO2 Max is a critical aspect of optimizing your running performance and essentially is understanding how fast you can get oxygen to where it needs to go in your body while working out and get CO2 out of there. They gave a great seminar on running performance and endurance training that is available on their website here and is a great watch if you want to learn more about how you can train smarter! UVRC has a long history with Ciofreddi’s and they’ve done amazing work in keeping our runners injury free and helping them recover so we highly recommend them! 

Tuesday Night Track: We are on for our summer schedule which means that effective immediately we will be on the Dartmouth Track @ 530! The entrance is in the Northwest corner closer to the baseball fields. And we will be there come rain or shine! 

Summer Runner’s Night Outs: Every Second Tuesday of the month we head over to Hanover Ramuntos for free pizza on the club! Come hang out with your pal’s after Tuesday Night Track, and eat FREE PIZZA!

  • July 9th
  • August 13th
  • September 10th

Saturday Morning Runs: REMEMBER! Saturday morning runs will be at 0800AM instead of 9AM to beat some of the summer heat.  We will meet in front of Omer and Bobs for a chiller social run. People break out into groups based on pace and route and head off. Afterwards we meet on the Leb Green for baked goods or head over to Lucky’s Coffee for some breakfast!

Volunteer Opportunities

In case you missed it we’re doing a 2024 UVRC VOLUNTEER CHALLENGE see the March Newsletter for full details! 

Upcoming opportunities include

  • The VT100 needs people to sponsor an aid station from the 1600(Sat Jul 20)–1000(Sun Jul 21) shifts. It’ll take a whole crew to help staff and i’m sure they’d be happy to take a few or as many volunteers as we can manage! Reach out to uppervalleyrunningclub@gmail.com to get connected with the volunteer coordinator!
  • The Reach the Beach Relay (Sept 13-14) needs volunteers at the following aid stations
  • Cannon Mountain, Franconia NH
  • Whales Tale Water Park, Lincoln, NH
  • Clark's Bears, Lincoln, NH
  • Webster Park, Epsom, NH
  • Bear Brook State Park, Allenstown, NH
  • Henry Moore School, Candia, NH
  • Tuck Learning Campus, Exeter, NH
  • North Hampton School, North Hampton NH 

Reach out to uppervalleyrunningclub@gmail.com to get connected with the volunteer coordinator!

Club Discounts: 

  • We are entering a partnership with Eastern Mountain Sports, another one of your local sporting good suppliers! As part of this partnership they have provided us with a coupon that is usable online and instore. A great time to grab some summer camping gear or a new pair of trail shoes! The coupon is attached to this Newsletter and can be canned in store from your phone or you can take the numbers and use it online!
  • Also it has come to my attention that we as a club have had discounts at Running Warehouse (apparently we have for a while, whoops!) Let’s make up for lost time with some running gear discounts! Use the following code: AU33ER6 at checkout for the following discounts
  • 20% Off*
  • Clothing
  • Socks
  • 10% Off*
  • Select Clearance Shoes
  • Nutrition
  • Hats & Visors

Local Club Spotlight

If you’re looking to get some running surface diversity in this summer, hang out with cool people, and spend time in nature than the Lebanon Trail Club has got you covered! 

Started by recent Upper Valley resident Elizabeth McGurk, the club is a great group of likeminded trail runners that are blazing the trails of the Upper Valley. 

Elizabeth had this to say about the club:

“I'm a mountain/ultra runner; I moved to the Upper Valley last summer. I wanted to bring the local trail community together and get to know people up here so I started LTC (Lebanon Trail Club). It's a very low-key, informal "club" by design: I wanted it to feel as accessible and low-pressure as possible. The #1 goal of LTC is to connect and foster community.

We meet every Wednesday at the Boston Lot DHMC trailhead at 6pm for 6ish miles, and the loop changes week to week. In general, it's usually 6+ miles with 800-1000 feet of gain depending on where we go. We keep it casual, waiting at junctions for the whole group and these days there's always a mid-run swim in there somewhere. It's been a ton of fun and a great way to get to know the trail community here.”

If you’re interested in joining their runs, give them a follow on Strava here: https://www.strava.com/clubs/1188083

Race Announcements

Upper Valley Running Series June 2024 Update

By: Geoff Dunbar

It’s been a busy month in the Upper Valley Running Series (UVRS)!

  • On June 16th, we had the Skip’s Run 4 miler in Lebanon NH.
  • Then, June 23rd, the Shaker Seven 7 miler in Enfield NH. This race was also in the NHGP, where UVRC scored some serious points!
  • Lastly, July 4th, the Red, White and Blue 6.2 5K/10K in Lebanon NH.

Congratulations to all the UVRC finishers in these races.

We’ve got a slight break now. The next race is on August 25, in Perkinsville VT. It’s the Triple Dam 10K!

So, what is this UVRS that you’re hearing so much about? It’s our club’s series of local road races. Full information: http://bit.ly/uvrs2024

Full-series registration is closed for the year, but you can still participate in the series. As long as you are an up-to-date UVRC member, you can just sign up for each race through the normal race registration (even day-of is OK). You’ll get credit as a series participant.

For 2024, you need to run 7 (of the 11) races to get the finisher prize. If you’ve already run a couple of the races, it should be no problem! But even if not, you still have time to get 7 done.

If you don’t want to race, or have a family member along, who doesn’t want to run, consider volunteering. Prizes available. See the March newsletter “Volunteering” article for details.

Mike Giberti finishing Skip’s Run.

Member Submission

Expedition Africa Race Report

By: Matt Cymanski

What was the race or running event?

Expedition Africa - Namibia - A 6 Day non-stop race through the Namib Desert that included sea kayaking, mountain biking, and of course some running/trekking all while navigating the course with just a map and compass and traveling with a 4 person team.

How did the day go in general?

Our team did a great job of managing ourselves, managing the environment, particularly the heat, and getting the most out of what we had. We ran into a variety of challenges, with ourselves, the course and equipment, but we were able to overcome them and make it to the finish in good spirits and happy with our effort.

What went well?

This was my first time racing anything close to this length, and my first time racing with any of the others on my team, but they are all much more experienced. We had a great time and worked really well together to get the most out of each other. Spending 5 days within 20 meters of each other, making decisions together, and getting sleep deprived can be a high stress environment, but for us it was a great bonding experience.

What did not go so well?

There were a variety of expected problems - sleep deprivation, hanger, heat, lack of water. But in the end we were able to manage and deal with all of them and keep racing.

How did you prepare for the event? Anything you would do differently in training?

I did quite a bit of running and biking with a pretty heavy pack on. This was a big help for those stages where we had to carry 5+L of water at the start, and I was able to help out my teammates and take some of their extra weight on a few occasions. I think I was well prepared, but now looking forward to getting back to running a little faster.

Any notable moments?

I wrote a longer race report here that can be linked if appropriate: https://www.rootstockracing.com/team-blog/expedition-africa-report-by-matt-cymanski

Some of the fun times were paddling through a seal colony, learning about all the different types of sand and which are most efficient to travel across, sleeping in the sand under the Milky Way, getting so much food at a gas station they just opened a tab, and a leopard encounter.

Photo of the team during Expedition Africa

Member Submission

Summer Running Poems

By: Jim Burnett

An Unseeable Thread of Silk

Jim Burnett

Sunbeams pinch through the canopy

Splattering splotches of light

That shine and sparkle

On the path ahead

Pointing the way forward

Pulling my body with them

My mind in turn

Follows freely and easily

Filled with amazement.

Passing through

Crossing over

Softly my feet touch down


This trail used to be

The path of woe

But no more.


Exploring slowly and thoughtfully

Nothing is blurry

There is no hurry nor worry

The inconsequential things

Are sensed anew.

An unseeable thread of silk

Stretching and slightly sagging across the path

Weighted with early morning dew

Cools my lips with its gentle touch

And trails behind me.

I am crossing the finish line

I am alone on the trail

I am just getting started

I feel alive.

For Lindy

Jim Burnett

Standing dead though deeply rooted,

Passing soldiers in their rows, 

Gently stepping souls are sleeping,

Cedar planks pass underfoot.

Cellar holes is sinking slowly,

Tumbling stones on bottom rest,

Mookie padding in no hurry,

Solemn thoughts drift in my head.

Morning Poem

Jim Burnett

Creeping fog above the surface,

Whitecaps lunging shallowed up,

Steadfast mountains ever watching,

Soft clouds drifting fast asleep.

Sea gulls tightly swerve the shoreline,

Herring running underneath,

Time to dive and grab your bounty,

Lest you fail and come home neat.

Thundering Footsteps

Jim Burnett

Bullfrogs croak heartily,

A solitary hermit thrush sings,

A fresh cool breeze nudges the fog,

Allowing sunlight to filter through the dense fir canopy.

Lichen-covered rocks alight and sparkle,

Enormous looming moss-covered erratics bathe,

Loll and twinkle as,

The path twists and turns over arthritic roots,

Bare and gnarly.


An odd stout pine punches through to the sky,

Umbrellas over the young fir stand braced on a whorl of thickened branching,

While tripods of triangular bracken ferns,

Absorb the sun's energy below.

With the swirling magic,

Fiber flourishes,

Green growth is renewed and grows old,

Standing dead stems topple,

And the carbon cycle repeats itself over and over.

Mookie slurps from the Ice Pond,

Sniffs the green grasses one-by-one that bend gently over its rim ,


Renewed and happy,

His thundering footsteps resound down the trail once more.

Member Submission

Bixby 5k Race Report

By: Susanna Gravel

What was the race or running event?

Bixby Library Eagle Scout 5k Run/Walk

How did the day go in general?

In general, the day went well.

What went well?

I made time to warm up with a 5-minute jog and dynamic stretching. This helped my overall run because I didn't feel as laggy at the beginning of the race and was able to maintain a really good pace for where I'm at right now. Looking at my stats, I see that my pace was consistent the entire run.

What did not go so well?

I fell during my last run because it was too much for my current fitness level. My legs had become tired, so I rolled my ankle. I went into this race with a sore knee and probably should be resting it and icing it more, not running on it.

How did you prepare for the event? Anything you would do differently in training?

I am starting to run and walk/run with a plan. So far so good.

Any notable moments?

We all should give ourselves more grace when returning to this sport after a long hiatus. I left the race as soon as I was done, and I found out that I had placed third in my age group several days later. I left because I didn't think I had a shot placing anything. Lesson learned.

Any changes you would make to how you ran?

I think I did alright and was able to keep running even up the two hills in the heat.

Runner Profile

Meet Sarah

By: Robert Jones


Sarah Craig



Where are you from originally and what brought you to this area?

I grew up in MO and lived in several midwestern and southern states until a job opportunity at DHMC brought my husband and I to NH.

What do you do professionally?

I am a clinical psychologist

How long have you been running?

On and off since grad school (around 2009)

How long have you been running competitively?

I only compete with myself--I have never aimed to win anything!

Why do you run?

I started to run because I was in a new place where I knew no one and wanted a hobby. I was too broke to join a gym! I kept running because it felt like an important way to take care of both my mind and my body.

Recent memorable moment while running?

Completing my first half marathon this June was truly special--something I never thought I had in me because I had only ever run 10k before.

Best athletic accomplishment and why?

Finishing the Ski, Shoe, and Fatbike to the Clouds race this winter. I had DNF'd the previous year due to the time limit and so I put so much extra time into training and took off over 20 min of time!

If you like to race, favorite race distance? Why?

It's now 13.1 miles :) I am not fast, so the 5kers are too much for me. Even 10kers have a much faster pace. The slow and steady crowd are my people.

If you like to race, notable race moment? OR most memorable race?

It's hard to forget the 2023 Mt. Washington Road Race--the weather was the worst I'd ever ran or hiked in!

Training partners?

My husband, mostly solo, though

Cross training activities?

Barre, TRX, Spin classes, kayaking, lots of hiking

Favorite local running route?

I'm pretty content to just run out my front door around my neighborhood

What is strangest place you have ever run?

In a swamp in Mississippi, complete with alligators and snakes

Any notable streaks or other unusual running events?

I've finished the Mt Washington road race two years in a row now

What made you start running?

I'm not sure! Boredom, I think. I had never been involved in anything athletic growing up because my parents were pleased I was academically inclined so never encouraged me to branch out from that.

Do you have a running 'idol'?

Jasmin Paris is pretty amazing--she proved this year that women can do every single race that men can do. I idolize people who finish at the back of the pack and still celebrate their personal victory. I idolize parents who run with strollers and moms who start running after having babies.

Are your reasons for running now the same or different than the reason you first started?

Different now. Now I run to feel strong in my body and to challenge myself to do races or runs I never would have done before (I used to walk every single hill, no matter how small, and now I sometimes "run" up mountains :) )

Why did you join UVRC?

To hold myself accountable to running on a regular basis.

Do you have a tried and true running shoe brand/model?

Nike, all the way. I started with the kind that had the nike running chip that you put in the sole of the shoe to track runs!

Ever been injured? Were you able to recover and if so what steps did you take?

Tweaked a knee sliding down Mt. Jackson in snowshoes. I experimented a lot with KT tape, but ultimately it seemed like time was the solution.

Hot or cold weather runner?

40-50 degrees is the best!

What is your favorite race?

I love the energy of the Shamrock Shuffle!

Aside from running, what are your hobbies?

I just finished the 48 4,000 footers and am looking to finish a couple of other hiking lists for NH/New England. I like to relax at the beach/casually kayak. Spending time with my family finding the best ice cream is a favorite summer hobby!

What does your daily workout consist of?

I'm rarely that consistent! It's either cardio or strength, rarely both in the same day

If you could run with anyone, who would be the person?

Anyone funny enough to distract me! Or a really great yoga instructor who could coach me on breathing.

Sarah on a wintry Crawford Path

Runner Profile

Meet Claire

By: Robert Jones


Claire Geno



Where are you from originally and what brought you to this area?

Alabama. Came to the UV for my husband’s job at DHMC!

What do you do professionally?

Retail Sales for Hershey

How long have you been running?

Off and on for the last 10-15 years. Mostly off, and trying to get back into it again. :)

Why do you run?

For the sense of accomplishment at the end. It’s amazing what our bodies will do!

Recent memorable moment while running?

Meeting new people in C25K

Best athletic accomplishment and why?

I finished a half marathon in my twenties. It was a goal, and I completed it!

If you like to race, favorite race distance? Why?

5K. There are so many fun 5Ks to participate in all over the country. It’s a great way to see other places!

Cross training activities?

Biking, gardening

Favorite local running route?

Rail trail

What is strangest place you have ever run?

Orlando, Florida. It was so hot!

What made you start running?

Desire to stay active as I age

Why did you join UVRC?


Do you have a tried and true running shoe brand/model?

I’ve always run in Brooks, but recently discovered Hokas and love them!

Ever been injured? Were you able to recover and if so what steps did you take?

Yes. A few cross fit injuries years ago. Rest, incorporating lots of stretching and warmup, and remembering not to go too hard before I’m ready.

Hot or cold weather runner?


Aside from running, what are your hobbies?

Art! I love painting, crafts, and visiting art museums

What does your daily workout consist of?

Walking and/or intervals

Runner Profile

Meet Kurt

By: Robert Jones


Kurt Huebner



Where are you from originally and what brought you to this area?

I'm originally from the Detroit, MI area! We moved here from Boston so my partner can obtain her master's degree and pursue a career as a registered dietician.

What do you do professionally?

I am a sales engineer for a software company called Proof. My job is to be the "tech guru" during any large sales cycle - giving demos, meeting with developers and CTOs to confirm requirements, and other boring things of that nature.

How long have you been running?

About 13 years!

How long have you been running competitively?

13 years - I have always completed off and on in some capacity, whether that was cross country as a teenager or trail racing and ultra marathons in college.

Why do you run?

I love to race and it's typically my main motivation to run with any consistency.

Recent memorable moment while running?

Running into a black bear cub on the Wapack Trail in southern NH

Best athletic accomplishment and why?

Finishing Virgil Crest 100 miler in 2022 when 2/3rds of the field DNFed due to heat and over 22,000 feet of vertical gain.

If you like to race, favorite race distance? Why?

50k or half marathon. They are both distances that are long enough to separate the field but still have some room for racing hard and don't destroy your body quite as much as their bigger siblings (the marathon and 50-100 milers).

If you like to race, notable race moment? OR most memorable race?

Climbing Mad River Glen in pea soup fog after sundown during a 12 hour timed race in 2021 - I had to hold my watch in front of me to check the GPS track constantly as I could only see ~6 feet in front of me.

Training partners?

Whoever shows up to Saturday/Tuesday runs! I run alone a lot as I like to go slow on my long runs.

Cross training activities?

Cycling, cross country skiing, (in-bounds) ski touring, and sport climbing!

Favorite local running route?

Slayton Hill - I'm a sucker for vert

What is strangest place you have ever run?

An aqueduct carved into the side of a mountain on the island of Madeira - not for those with a fear of heights.

What made you start running?

Cross country when I was in high school

Do you have a running 'idol'?

East coast FKT demolisher Jack Kuenzle - arguably the strongest big mountain runner in the US right now!

Are your reasons for running now the same or different than the reason you first started?

I mainly run now to enjoy the adventure of big races and long runs - not because I am a part of a team and "have to".

Why did you join UVRC?

To meet runners in the area and make new friends!

Do you have a tried and true running shoe brand/model?

Topo Mountain Racers

Ever been injured? Were you able to recover and if so what steps did you take?

I am a chronic ankle sprainer/roller. Lots and lots of PT is typically the only solution.

Hot or cold weather runner?

Cold weather

What is your favorite race?

Mt. Tam Trail Run Half in Stinson Beach, CA

Aside from running, what are your hobbies?

Climbing, skiing, video games and watching motorsports (F1, WEC, IMSA, Indycar, etc).

What does your daily workout consist of?

Typically low heart rate base mileage.

If you could run with anyone, who would be the person?

Jessie Diggins of the US Ski Team

Our Sponsors

Want to sponsor us? We can help you promote your company while you help us race.

Sponsor Us

UVRC, c/o Lebanon Recreation & Parks

51 North Park St

Lebanon NH 03766