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Inside the Workout: Specific Strength and Mobility

By: Carly Wynn

When we think of the pillars of training, what comes to mind? Mileage, intervals, nutrition, sleep… maybe some strength training or stretching. But how confident are you that your strength training form is optimal? Are your micro-movements forming a strong foundation? Do you think about training your nervous system, or the patterns of neural firing that power your stride? 

Not all training has to feel super strenuous, and the workout I’m advocating for today is not a killer, by any stretch.  Today’s workouts focus is specific strength and mobility, and it’s a session every runner should have in their plan.

In this workout, you’ll take the time to focus on the movement of a single toe, and observe how your shoulders and back move as you breathe. This is the workout where you’ll check in with a major muscle group and make sure it’s engaging, because too many athletes don’t even realize they are utilizing only a fraction of this muscle’s power (yes, I’m talking about the glutes).

This is the workout where you’ll learn what a stable core and neutral pelvis feel like, and you’ll find and release tension in places you never knew you held it. You’ll learn how to stretch the fascia on the bottoms of your feet (and believe you me, you’ll find tension there!)

Not sure what exercises to add to your specific strength workout, or how to get started? Join us via Zoom on Friday evenings, and train together while we’re apart. We’ll tune into the feet, calves, glutes, hips, abs, lower back, pelvis, shoulders, and lungs. Moving slowly, we’ll capture all the little details, and give some love to the connective tissue that makes running possible. 

Sessions meet on Zoom from 5-6 p.m. every Friday and are free for club members. First time-participants can register here to receive the Zoom link. 

If the current global circumstances have left you with some extra time on your hands, or perhaps have had the opposite effect and left you craving less intense workouts that can be done in your living room, now is a great time to focus on supporting your running with a strong foundation of strength and mobility.

Hope to see you on Fridays!


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