Board Minutes – September, 2016

Members present: Tim Smith, Geoff Dunbar, Kim Sheffield, Julie Paye, Betsy Gonnerman

Members absent: Mike Silverman, Paul Coats, Jim Burnett, Rob Edson

Non-members present: Mike Gonnerman, Dave Sullivan, Mary Peters, Travis Peters

  1. NH Grand Prix: UVRC is leading. 2 races to go: 10 miler in Concord Oct. 9 and half-marathon in Loudon on Oct. 23. There will be vanpools for both.
  2. Communications: Dave Sullivan, who has been managing our website, has determined that there are approximately 400 emails/year going to members. He is wondering if we should develop smaller, more-specific lists (such as training, racing, social, couch to 5k) so that members are not bombarded with emails that do not interest them. Discussion ensued, with the decision for Dave to try this idea out. Members would indicate when they register/renew which lists they would like to be on.
  3. Race results: Dave S. has created a form, which is available on our website, where members can enter their race results, which then go into a database. This will expedite the process of collecting and recording race results.
  4. CHaD: Dave S. reported that the pacers are in place. CHaD will supply the pacer shirts. Paul has pacing bracelets. UVRC is not mentioned on the shirts or the website. This should be addressed next year.
  5. Couch to 5K: Mary Peters reported that the program is going well, with 25-30 participants. She has moved the Tuesday night time to 6:00, due to the shorter days. She has some coaches, but can always use more help. Target race is Zack’s race in Woodstock on Thanksgiving.
  6. Winter TNT: Tim and Jim have agreed to share the responsibilities for TNT, with assistance from Laura Hagley.
  7. Fee increase: Tim has the letter ready to go out to the membership.
  8. Foliage Five: Jim has certified the course, and marked the miles. He will also have a collection box for shoe recycling available there. Julie reports only 12 have registered so far, in addition to those who signed up for the entire UVRS series, but she has posted it on social media with hopes that more will register.
  9. Scholarship Awards: Kim’s letter will be going out to local coaches and athletic directors in the next few weeks. A $500 award will be granted, using the proceeds from the Foliage Five Race.
  10. Board elections: A new Board will be elected at the annual banquet on Nov. 12. Board members have been asked to submit recommendations to Tim Smith.
  11. Minutes submitted by Betsy Gonnerman, Secretary
  12. Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 – Ramunto’s – 7:00 p.m.

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51 North Park St

Lebanon NH 03766