Board Minutes – January, 2016

Present: Tim Smith, Geoff Dunbar, Julie Paye, Betsy Gonnerman, Paul Coats
Absent: Jim Burnett, Mike Silverman, Kim Sheffield, Rob Edson
Non-directors present: Mike Gonnerman

  1. USATF: The club is now registered with USATF, so that club members can form teams to compete in USATF-sanctioned races.
  2. NHGP: In December, Geoff and Jim attended the NHGP meeting in which the 2016 races were selected. That schedule has been posted on the UVRC website. Geoff will also post them to the website calendar. In addition, Julie will post the UVRS races to the calendar, Paul will post the Western NH Trail Races, and Mike will ask Lori to post the mountain series.
  3. NHGP recognition: Tim has spoken with Omer & Bob’s, who have agreed to a space where we can post a banner. Tim has investigated types of signs and prices, and will order one, with Paul’s help.
  4. Talks: Jim had suggested that we have talks this year, as we did last year, to explain/promote local races. Tim will talk to Jim as to whether he would take the lead on this. If not, the talks can be incorporated into Two Beer Tuesdays, after TNT during Feb. and March.
  5. Mile Markers: Jim is working on this.
  6. TNT: Tim announced that TNT has had increased attendance over last winter.
  7. MWRR: Mike Gonnerman announced that the club would be receiving 8 lottery bypass nos. for runners, in exchange for 8 volunteers on Friday afternoon, as we did last year. Mike and his committee will coordinate the assignment of these nos.
  8. Coach: Tim has talked to Kim as to her wishes to continue as our coach vs. finding a new one. She is happy to assist in this process, and suggested a couple of names. Tim will talk to Barry Harwick re these possible names.
  9. Website: Julie has noticed that the information on the membership page is outdated, and should be brought up to date. Geoff will talk to Dave Sullivan, and get that done.
  10. Couch to 5K: Paul has talked to Kim, and the decision is to go ahead. Decision has to be made as to the targeted race, preferably in June or July. Kim will not be in NH for the first week or two of the program. It was suggested that Paul form a committee to help him out, and include veterans of last year’s successful program.
  11. Budget: Julie and Paul reported that cash was collected from the UVRS, the 100 on 100, the Foliage Five, and the largest expense was apparel. This amounted to approximately $500 income, not counting the membership dues.
  12. Newsletter: This is going well. The last newsletter was full of articles submitted by members, and the hope is that this will continue. Jim is assisting Susannah with this undertaking.
  13. Targeted races: No decision has been made on this.
  14. Singlets: Since joining USATF, the Board feels that there should be more consistency in the singlets worn by club members in races. It was decided that the club would keep an inventory of singlets available to all club members. Rebecca has offered to help Paul with this.
  15. Laura Hagley: Club members have expressed interest in getting together, possibly at Salt Hill Pub, to watch the Olympic Trials on Feb. 13, in which Laura is competing. Rebecca had offered to organize this. In addition, Laura has offered to do a presentation about her experience in the trials.
  16. UV Trail Runners: Geoff plans to talk to them about increasing their involvement in UVRC.
  17. Mountain Bikers Association: Tim and Paul met with members of this group, who manage many of the running/biking trails in the area, especially Boston Lot. We would like to improve the collaboration with this group.
  18. Shoe Recycling: This is ongoing, with plans to put a box in Omer & Bob’s store. Jim will also look for other locations.

Minutes submitted by Betsy Gonnerman, Secretary

Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 – 7:00 – Ramunto’s

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51 North Park St

Lebanon NH 03766